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France - The capital and largest city of France, Paris is one of the world's great cities. For hundreds of years, Paris has been a world capital of art and learning. Many great artists have produced their finest masterpieces here. Every year, millions of tourists visit such famous Paris landmarks as the Cathedral of Notre Dame, the Eiffel Tower, and the Louvre - one of the largest museums in the world.

There is much more to France than just Paris, however. The snow-capped Alps form the border between France and Italy. Sunny beaches and steep cliffs stretch along the French coast on the Mediterranean Sea. Fishing villages dot the Atlantic northwestern coast. The peaceful, wooded Loire Valley has many historic chateaux (castles). Colorful apple orchards, dairy farms, and vineyards lie throughout much of the countryside.

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Many regions of France are blanketed with fields of golden wheat.

The French are famous for their enjoyment of life, and this is passed on to the many visitors each year. Good food and great wines are an important part of everyday life for all.

The wines of France are considered the best in the world, and almost every restaurant and area has at least one special recipe of its own. The delicious breads, appetizers, sauces, soups and desserts of France are copied by cooks in most parts of the world.

For detailed highlights of France, see our Featured Destination Guides.

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